Our History

Working to provide affordable housing

We started our journey in affordable housing some years ago because we saw the problems that many people face today of getting onto the housing ladder. Homes were (and continue to be) incredibly expensive to buy, and many renters pay so much in rent, they are unable to save to purchase their own home.  

We started to look at existing affordable home products and were uninspired by what we found. We felt that existing offerings were missing key parts of the market, and in many cases, did not retain affordability in perpetuity.

We quickly came to the conclusion that there was a better way to help renters, first time buyers, and low and middle income earners. After 6 years of R&D creating and perfecting our own versions of genuinely affordable homes, Keep Homes was ready to launch.

Whether you're looking to buy your forever home, or are simply transitioning from affordable rent to shared ownership and eventually, full ownership, we have created a range of options that will allow you to get onto the property ladder.

We launched the business with our exciting alternatives to existing affordable housing products, however, our objective and aspiration is to revolutionise buying and renting affordable homes in the UK.

"A range of options that will allow you to get onto the property ladder"

Some of our more radical solutions will be a feature of future product launches. Our team has the experience, innovative force and determination to keep pushing the agenda to create a sustainable and worthwhile model for buyers and developers to build a better future. We are working with a number of partners who share our vision and collectively will pave the way towards a better, ‘new normal’ for affordable housing.